
One Thing

- Peter DeWitt
Audio Written Summary Blog Post

The Lord wants us to baptized - to be in over our heads - in changing our minds according to the Word! The mind that is set on the Spirit (on the Word) doesn’t just produce life, it produces life AND peace!Being discipled is as simple as being in the Word and letting the Word naturally do the work that it does in our hearts to transform us. But, motivation can be an issue. There are the natural stages of discipleship. We never stop learning about identity in Christ, and we never stop learning about the power that resides within you and the provision that God has for us. But, there is one motivation, one thing, one focus that will never fail you. And that’s to know Him!

God-Referenced vs. Man-Referenced Thinking

- Peter DeWitt
Audio Written Summary Blog Post

God’s great plans are going to require me (and you) to change!  Our old ways of thinking need to be shed in order to experience new growth. Changing our mind is the process of discipleship. All discipleship hinges on not having any righteousness of your own. Rom. 8:5-8 shows us that for all of human thinking, there are 2 different reference frames that people can go through life with: the flesh-focused reference frame and the Spirit-focused reference frame. Jesus said that His Words will abide (rest, dwell) in the heart of His disciples, but the carnally minded are actually at war with God in their thinking. As born-again believers, we have 2 minds, but we are not called to be double-minded. As long as we have our own thoughts, we won’t have His. Col. 2:18-19 shows us that if we have a fleshly mind, we will cheat ourselves of our reward. But, let no one cheat you of your reward - including yourself!

What is the Tithe and Where Do We Tithe? Part 1

- Brad Ettore
Written Summary Blog Post

The question of amount as it relates to tithing is self-evident from the original Hebrew word. According to the Hebrew, the tithe is quite simply “a tenth.” Prov. 3:9-10 shows us that the tithe is a 10th of all your increase. The tithe is an INVITATION from the Lord to enter into a dynamic relationship with Him as it relates to Him blessing our finances. The tithe actually belongs to God! Mal. 3:8-9 says we “have robbed Him in tithes and offerings.” That means that the tithes are God's because you cannot rob someone of something they did not own! Our tithes are to be given where God has chosen them to be given. And He has directed them to be given to the local church.

The Tithe: Not From the Law

- Brad Ettore
Audio Written Summary Blog Post

If we approach finances with the mindset that God wants us to have, His blessing in our life will be a pure joy.  God takes pleasure in the prosperity of His servants. (Ps. 35:27) We should NEVER allow money to become our source! Once we realize that God is our source, we can move into the promised land where God will promote us because He knows the riches won’t then destroy us.  With that mindset, we can begin to build our house of blessing according to the financial principles of the kingdom. The foundational kingdom principle about finances is the tithe. Many believers have no objection to the tithe, but there are some believers that do object to it. The number one objection to the tithe that some have is that they believe that it is “from the Law.” So, is tithing, in fact, from the LAW? The scriptural answer to that is NO! Tithing is in fact, not from the Law! Gen. 4:2-5, Gen 14:18-20, and Gen 28:20-22 give three examples of tithing hundreds and even thousands of years before the law. Additionally, Heb. 7:4-9 speaks clearly about tithing after Christ fulfilled the Law.The tithe is a gift from the Lord to set His people free and in return He gives them blessing. Tithing was taking place before the Law, through the Law, and  after the Law - the tithe is not from the Law!

- Joshua Weir
Audio Written Summary Blog Post

It is natural to want to be comfortable, but your destiny is in danger if you only live in the comfort zone.  Breakthrough often comes through discomfort.  "The Kingdom of Heaven suffers violence, and the violent take it by force." (Matt. 11:12)  We need to get comfortable with being uncomfortable.  Adversity and difficulty are rich soil for growth in our lives—if we lean into God and press in to the situation.  Nothing is too difficult, nothing is too hard in Christ. (Phil. 4:13)  All things are possible to him who believes (Mk. 9:23).  Are we willing to stick with it, press on, and stay the course in the face of difficulty?  As we experience the powerful effect of perseverance, we will begin to love being uncomfortable, because we know that our persistence in the discomfort will produce transformative fruit in our lives.

God is Our Source!

- Brad Ettore
Audio Written Summary Blog Post

The Bible has a lot to say about money and possessions!  First, we learn that money is not the principal thing.  Second, we see that it is good to have money, but it is not good for money to have us.  Third, we learn that God is our source.  Knowing that God is our source keeps us from being haughty or proud about the success we experience.  If God knows finances will not "get hold of you" then He can safely get finances to you! The mindset of a steward says "it's all God's; what I have is a blessing from the Lord."  As long as we possess pride saying "this is my doing" we are never going to get to that place where God wants to promote us.  When we realize "God you're my provider," we can then move into promotion and He will take us into the promised land!

Changing Your Mind

- Peter DeWitt
Audio Written Summary Blog Post

If you are not ecstatic about the next 4 or 5 months - and what God wants to do in your life - you are not thinking about those months like He is!  You have an opportunity for growth, right now, that is greater than any growth that you have ever experienced in the Lord!  How will that growth occur?  Through changed mindsets!  That process of renewing your mind, according to the Word of God, is discipleship, and we need to embrace discipleship as a process.  The mindset we approach discipleship with will either make the process of discipleship a joy and delight, or a not-so-fun sequence of emotionally harrowing events.  Listen to this message to learn more about about how discipleship can be a really fun process in which we are simply able to seek Him and learn from Him!

A Right Perspective About Money

- Brad Ettore
Audio Written Summary Blog Post

In Genesis 4, we see that God respected Abel's offering, but did not respect Cain's offering. Why? The difference was attitude. Abel's attitude was "Lord, everything that comes to me, I'm bringing you the first and the best of it!" Cain's attitude towards his offering was slack by comparison. Like Abel, we too can have a respect and honor regarding every blessing that comes into our lives. There is nothing inherently wrong with money - quite the contrary because God created it! The Word of God does warn us about pursuing God for the purpose of financial gain (1 Tim 6:6-10) and also about making money our god (Mark 10:21-24), but we should not erroneous interpret those warnings as God being against money. There is a way that money can be used beautifully and in accordance with God's design: knowing that He's our source, that all blessing comes from Him, and that we are blessed in order to be a blessing. With a right perspective about money, the financial principles of the Kingdom of God will take effect in your life because you'll be lined up with the Kingdom of God!

Introduction to the Series

- Brad Ettore
Audio Written Summary Blog Post

It is God's desire that His children would be blessed in every area of life - and that of course includes the area of finances. The reality is you cannot live, eat, or have shelter and clothes without money (yours or someone else's). You cannot feed the poor, clothe the naked, or "go into all the world" without money. God put gold in the earth and told Adam that it was "good." (see Gen. 2:12) Money is good, but it's not the whole thing either. There are many things far more important than money. God is not opposed to us having things, but He is opposed to things having us. When you prioritize money with God, you will get off track with God. But, God is for riches when our heart is right!

- Brad Ettore
Audio Written Summary

You can obey the Lord two ways - rightly and wrongly - and the difference all has to do with attitude. A great example of this is the Israelites in the wilderness. On one hand they had packed their bags, followed Moses, and walked toward a promised land. On the other hand, as soon as there were obstacles in their path, they started complaining. It is possible to follow the lead of the Lord incorrectly. It is important to realize that God sets up authority and submission roles and has for blessing to flow through those roles into our lives. (See Eph 6:1, Heb. 13:17, and Rom. 13:1) It is up to us whether we will actually experience the blessings God has for us. When God initiates a change in our lives, we need to keep our eyes on the vision, keep a sweet heart, and look for our personal purpose in the plan of God.

- Brad Ettore

Pastor Brad begins to share the vision for a new church structure for Agathos - a blend between "big church" and "house churches." On the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month we will all meet at the "big church" as normal. On the other Sundays in between we will meet in "house churches" in smaller groups that encourage participation from all members of the body. Brad will continue to share the vision this coming Sunday.

Making Way for God to do Something New

- Peter DeWitt
Audio Blog Post

“And no one puts new wine into old wineskins; or else the new wine bursts the wineskins, the wine is spilled, and the wineskins are ruined. But new wine must be put into new wineskins.” (Mark 2:22) In order to make way for new growth, sometimes you have to shed old structures. John the Baptist preached “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand . . . Prepare the way of the Lord; Make His paths straight.’” (Matthew 3:1-3) Repentance is “changing your mind.” When God wants new facets of the Kingdom of Heaven to be expressed in your life, He will send a messenger to you as well - to minister to your heart ahead of time about a change He is wanting to make. Be sensitive to what He’s asking you to change in your mind. You don’t yet have to know what He is asking you to do. You just have to know that He is asking you to get ready – to make that place supple again.

- Brad Ettore
Audio Blog Post

We have been given, by God, through Jesus Christ, all authority over all the demonic realm. It does not matter if you are the least of all Christians on the earth, you still have just as much power over the demonic realm as any other Christian on the earth. God gave all the authority over the demonic realm to the Body of Christ. The problem is, most don't know that they have the authority and they allow the devil and his cohorts to intimidate them in many areas of their life. If we simply knew the truth about what's going on in the spirit realm - and who has the authority - all of our fear would go away! We will realize "oh, you mean I'm boss? I'm the one that's in control?" That's what this series is about - our spiritual authority in Christ.

- Brad Ettore

A number of specific, prophetic words to the members of the body.
