
The Process of Faith

Part 1: God's Love + God's Promises = Faith

- Peter DeWitt
Audio Blog Post

Faith is not just a theological concept; it is for action! Our possession of the promises of God is not automatic, but instead by faith! Therefore, for the believer, faith is a way of life. All of God's promises are “yes” for the believer (2 Cor. 1:20). Your access to all of God’s promises is not based on your obedience, but on the obedience of Christ and being IN Christ. In other words, you are a co-heir with Christ! When we realize God’s love and see His promises, faith comes naturally.

Part 2: Faith + Patience = Inheriting the Promises

- Peter DeWitt
Audio Blog Post

Understanding how faith works allows us to act on it. Faith comes naturally when we are aware of God's Promises and our position in Christ. When faith wells up in our hearts, we clarify the target for our faith and then release our faith with our words. Not every promise comes to pass immediately. Adding patience to your faith can take you further into the Promises of God.

Part 3: Testimonies Maintain Momentum

- Peter DeWitt
Audio Blog Post

A testimony is a story that recounts memorable events that have happened before. The power of a testimony is that it turns a moment into momentum. When we experience a breakthrough in faith, the momentum from that breakthrough does not fade on its own - it actually fades because of opposition. The enemy resists our momentum in faith by resisting our testimony. If we want to carry the momentum of God from breakthrough to breakthrough, we need to break out our testimonies! The testimonies of God keep you focused - even in the presence of resistance - on what God has done and what He is doing - "greasing the skids"and reducing the friction of life! Testimonies will carry you through the testing of your faith and into the promised land God has prepared for you!

Part 4: Operating in Declarations Will Cause You to Live a Blessed Life!

- Peter DeWitt
Audio Blog Post

Faith is the assurance of things hoped for. (Heb. 11:1) You cannot operate in faith with out a hope! But how do you measure hope? You can measure your expectation (your hope) by measuring your declarations (your words). If our declarations are "low" or negative, it because our hope in that area is low. If our hope is low, it means we are believing a lie. Therefore, we can increase our hope with truth! Revelation --> Expectation (hope) --> Declaration. Declarations are like seeds we plant in our lives - promises of God that pull the necessary resources to themselves until they take physical form. Declarations are specific, pro-active, and purposeful. Operating in declarations will cause you to live a blessed life!

What to Expect When You Are Expecting

- Andy Davis
Audio Blog Post

Expectation is looking forward to something that will happen. Hebrews 11:1 says, “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for…” You have to have something "hoped for" (expected) in order to release your faith! We need to expect all the great and precious promises in God's Word! Expectation is eager, persevering, and patient. Expectation is biblical because God says to expect, He stands by His Word, and Jesus has already paid it all! We often hesitate to hope (expect) because we don't want to be disappointed or assume God doesn't have time "for little ol' me." You're right - God doesn't have time...He exists in eternity! God's promises are available to you and He is wanting us to raise our level of expectation!

1000 Nuances to Yes

- Joshua Weir
Audio Blog Post

God works in the day-by-day. Miracles are wonderful, but many moves of God are not instantaneous. When we confine God's work in our lives to "instantaneous only," we will actually fail to see God moving in the daily details of our lives. When we pray, God can say "yes" in a 1000 ways. Some prayers take time to come to pass because many pieces have to come into place . . . that is why we keep asking, keep seeking, keep knocking! (Luke 11:9). Our prayers move mountains - and sometimes rock-by-rock! Often we have a black & white / yes & no approach towards prayer - not realizing God's "yes" can have many facets. When we change our perspective on prayer, we will notice that our approach to prayer changes; we develop an ability to pray and not give up (Luke 18) because we see the day-to-day progress from our prayers!