Who is the Lord? What's on His resume? One thing God says very plainly about Himself is that He is love! (1 Jn. 4:8) So if God is love, you can find the word "God" and replace it with love in order to gain more insight into His nature. Look at 1 Cor. 13. "Love is patient." So, God is patient! We also see there that God is kind, not envious, and never fails! We see that "Love" formed the world! (Gen. 1) and that we were knit together in our mother's womb by Love Himself! (Ps. 139) Love is much more concrete than we may think. God loves us in a sacrifical, giving way as is perfectly evidence by the Lamb of God - slain before the foundation of the world so we can spend all eternity experiencing and discovering His great love for us!