Works Under Grace

Part 1: Introduction to the Series

- Brad Ettore
Audio Blog Post

Jesus' obedience purchased our right standing with God, but our obedience matters as well. First, our obedience is essential to our transformation (i.e. maturation) process in the Lord. Secondly, our obedience carries with it great gain/reward both here on earth and in heaven. Christ's obedience is the foundation on which we build with works not FOR righteousness, but FROM righteousness.

Part 2: Grace: Our Spiritual Foundation

- Brad Ettore
Audio Blog Post

"For no other foundation can anyone lay than that which is laid, which is Jesus Christ." (1 Cor. 3:11) The foundation has been laid by Christ. We cannot re-lay it, but we can build on it. It's time to build on top of that foundation!

Part 3: A Picture of Our Spiritual House

- Brad Ettore
Audio Blog Post

We are being built up as a spiritual house. The foundation that Jesus built for us puts us in right standing with the Father, and we can build on that foundation!

Part 4: 3 Types of "Works"

- Brad Ettore
Audio Blog Post

The New Testament talks about three kinds of "works." Good works are good works with good motives. Bad works are good works with wrong motives. Ugly works are sinful works. There are no works to do FOR right standing with God, but there are plenty of works to do BECAUSE OF right standing with God! God is not asking for our ability. God is just asking for our availability.